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2018 年第 38 届萨格勒布沙龙国际摄影展

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截止日期:2018 年 9 月 12 日

Closing Date has expired

评审:2018 年 9 月 29 日

评审结果:2018 年 10 月 12 日

Opening of the exhibition and the award ceremony will be held at the Mimara Museum, Roosevelt Square 5, Zagreb: 21.11.2018. 7:00 PM
Exhibition stays open till 02.12.2018.
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颁发奖项和印刷目录:2018 年 12 月 10 日


2018 年第 38 届萨格勒布沙龙国际摄影展

PDF 版本





- 本次沙龙面向来自世界各地的业余摄影师和专业摄影师开放。
- 参赛者必须为提交作品的作者。本次展览不承担任何滥用版权的责任。
- 所有提交作品版权均为作者所有。
- 每张照片只能在一个组别展示。
- 展览面向所有参赛者,但当大赛投资方及其代理机构经过合理判断认为该作品有违展览规则及条款时,投资方及其代理机构有权驳回该作品。
- 每个组别、类别或级别的参赛作品不得超过4幅。
- 参赛作品必须符合各组别的明确规定及相关定义,并且符合举办国的相关法律。除此之外,没有其他限制。
- 参赛作品必须以照片(即以感光方式对物体进行的图像捕捉)的形式,由参赛者通过摄影感光剂或者数码方式获得。
- 每幅作品都必须有独一无二的标题。一旦作品被美国摄影协会(PSA)认可的摄影展所接受,该作品的原图或相机中的类似图片或复制后的图片副本:
1. 无论以何媒介、格式或标题,不得在该展会同一Division Star Ratings 级别的任何组别内重新提交。
2. 不得更改标题后再次向美国摄影协会(PSA)认可的摄影展提交。
- 美国摄影协会(PSA)认可的展览会上提交的图片、印刷垫或垫板上的任何位置都不可以出现制造者的名字或标记。
- 对文件名没有特别要求,文件名会被在目录中使用。
- 主办方保留为制作作品集及推广萨格勒布沙龙而使用和复印参展作品的权利且无需向作者支付任何费用。


- 共有4个组别,全部为数码组:

A组:画意组自由主题(彩色)(PSA PID COLOR)
B组:画意组自由主题(黑白)(PSA PID MONOCHROME)
C组:街拍(彩色/黑白)(PSA PID COLOR)
D组:人像(彩色/黑白)(PSA PID COLOR)
1. 入选画意彩色组的作品可用于PID画意彩色星级评定和Who’s Who 颜色列表进行评分。
2. 入选画意黑白组的作品可用于PID画意黑白星级评定和Who’s Who 黑白列表进行评分。
3. 所有入选作品的应具备PID 星级评定或者银河/钻石评级(Galaxy/Diamond Ratings)的规定的相应资格 作品提交 作者须在线填写报名表并提交照片
- 作品上传须通过我们的网站:http://www.zagreb-salon-photo.com(在线填写报名表)。
- 作品必须为JPG文件格式,图片最大允许尺寸为水平3000像素,垂直2000像素,300 dpi,最大3MB。
- 评选时照片将显示在4K屏幕上。
- 展览会选定的照片将由主办方印制。


- 贝宝支付(PayPal)
- 所有参赛者必须支付报名费。


- 灰度或多色被调整图像或给人部分调色的,多色调色或包含专色着色的印象的作品不符合黑白的定义,应归类为彩色作品。
- 从深灰色(黑色)到非常清晰的灰色(白色)的黑色和白色作品被称之为黑白作品,它具备各种灰色阴影的单色。黑白作品完全采用单一色调,是一种单色作品,能够出现在黑白类组别中;这类作品可以在国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)赞助下的沙龙目录中以黑白色复制。然而,通过局部调色或通过添加一种颜色而调整后的黑白作品便为彩色作品,应出现在彩色组别中; 这样的作品应在国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)赞助下的沙龙目录中进行色彩再现。
- 在国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)赞助提交图像作品或文件给沙龙意味着,即使不是FIAP的成员,参赛者毫无例外地接受,同意并赞同所提交的图像可由国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)进行调查,以确定这些图像是否符合国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)规定和定义; 国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)将使用任意方式进行此项工作;任何拒绝与国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)合作或拒绝提交摄像机捕获的原始文件或未能提供充分证据的行为都将受到国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)的制裁,并且如果在违反国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)规定后被制裁,参赛者的名字将会以任何有用的形式发布,以通其知违反规则的行为。建议将EXIF数据完整保留在提交的文件中以便于最终调查。

Hrvoje Mahovic


- 所有参与者将通过电子邮件收到评审结果通知。评审结果也将在我们的网站上发布 http://www.zagreb-salon-photo.com
- 所有参赛者将收到免费的印刷目录。


- 沙龙的最佳作者将获FIAP蓝色徽章
- 每个组别均设有FIAP金牌一名、银牌一名、铜牌一名、FIAP绶带三名
- 每个组别均设有PSA金牌一名、银牌一名、铜牌一名、PSA绶带三名
- 每个组别均设有萨格勒布摄影俱乐部金牌一名、银牌一名和铜牌一名,及荣誉奖三名
- 每位作者在每个组别中只能获得一个奖项。

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Member Bio image

Petar Sabol Sharpeye

Petar Sabol „Sharpeye“ was born in 1981 in town Čakovec, Republic of Croatia, Europe. He started his photography work in 2007. In the same year he joined the Photo Club Čakovec and became its active member. From the very beginning of his photographic work he was fascinated with nature and its beauty, especially in the area of macro photography. In addition he professionally photographed events (weddings, various celebrations and public events). His photographic images display and evoke moments in the life of nature that most people find difficult or almost impossible to see in reality because of constant and increasing human alienation from nature. Thanks to devoted and very systematic work, he captures incredible shots in which the main compositional ingredient is beautiful natural light. By idealizing beauty of nature, he stands on his solid positive attitude towards the beauty and wonders of nature. Since the beginning of 2012 to date, he has participated in many international exhibitions of artistic photography under high patronage of FIAP (Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique) for 317 times. He has won 359 times (186 medals and 173 honorable mentions for 95 different art works) in more than 30 countries. He also participated in international exhibitions under the patronage of the PSA (Photographic Society of America) where he is also rewarded many times. He has been awarded in other specialized photographic competitions around the world. The total number of awards is almost 500. He won the 1st prize at 1x Photo Awards 2015. He holds honorary photographic titles EFIAP/gold and EPSA. His famous photo "Natural abstract" has been awarded with the FIAP gold medal in the macro category at the 7th Salon of photography in the United Arab Emirates 2012/116 and permanently stored at the National Library in Paris. This photo was among the top 10 on the Sony World Photography Awards. At that competition he was the winner in the category of National Award 2016 with photo 'Kingfisher in action', where he was also placed in the top 50 with another of his photo. He repeated same success second year in row where he won first place with his photo 'Swirl'. On www.fotowedstrijd.eu he won the first prize in the category of macro with photograph “Only love matters” in 2014. Five years in a row, he was awarded on the American National Insect Salon under the patronage of the PSA. He is a winner of the gold medal for the best PSA author of salon twice. He won the first and second prize in 2014 at the National Insect Week in England, which is held biennially. In less than four years, Petar Sabol became the most awarded Croatian photographer. His work has been published in many journals (Mirror, Telegraph, The Sun, The Dailymail, Meridians). So far he held four solo exhibitions. At the end of 2014 in Zagreb presented his first solo exhibition Butterflies. The second solo exhibition Kingfisher held in April 2016 in Negova in Slovenia under the high patronage of FIAP, in one of six world-renowned exhibition centers of FIAP. The third solo exhibition Kingfisher presented in Bor, Serbia, early October 2016. Fourth solo exhibition ‘Creative macrophotography’ was held in Karlovac city, in aquarium Institute Aquatika, September 2017. He is a member of the jury in international exhibitions and photographic competitions and Sony ambassador of Croatia. web: www.sharpeyephoto.com
Member Bio image

Andreja Ravnak

Born on 155th day of the year, when Nasa published the mysterious photo of face on Mars, I was connected to creativity from early childhood. I spent my free time drawing, painting, designing, discovering nature and science. I could never satisfy enough all my curiosity and it was a rather difficult decision to choose one study, one proffession only. I turned up an architect, which is a fusion of creativity, technology and psychology. I have worked in several architectural bureaus, building schools, markets, blocks etc. Due to economic crisis I also started working in tourism and I never say no to design and photography. Photography has always been an important part of me, at first especially for one reason: those frozen moments make me remember the flow and details of my life. I always loved to explore nature and travel, so I gradually and spontaneously developped a feeling for photographic expression. A few years ago I got hit by the fact, that I actually see my inner and outer world as frames or pictures. That, somehow turned my photographic way in my present direction. I joined the photographic club »Društvo fotografov SVIT Celje« in december 2008 and my photographic path grew really rapidly since then. So far I had several solo exhibitions and joined some group exhibitions abroad and I also organised some local photographic projects. I earned photographic titles KMF FZS (master candidate in Slovenian photographic society) and EFIAP/p (excellence FIAP platinum). I won quite some international photographic awards and my favourite is 1st place individuals at FIAP world cup Paris in 2010. Recently I was invited to the jury in several national and international photographic exhibitions in Slovenia, Serbia, Norway and now also Croatia. I love to experiment and try new ways of expression, I have a lot of ideas on my mind, but the duties of life leave me not much time for photographic projects, which basically remain my love and my food for soul in my spare time. Need I say, that I would really like to contribute to a better world with my expressions once, so I think there is really a lot more to do in the future. I also love to work with young photographers and encourage their creativity and individual views. You can follow some of my work on my webpage http://mojevesolje.si/
Member Bio image

Miljenko Marotti

Prof. dr sc.Miljenko Marotti, university professor, has been actively exibiting since 2002. He holds the rank EFIAP/PLATINUM and Master of Photography I class of Croatian Photographic Union. He was awarded The Tošo Dabac Award. He has held 30 exibitions and more than 50 joint exibitions. More than 700 of his photographs have been accepted 1750 times at FIAP, PSA and UPI salons where he has won 90 awards. His photo Fist was published in the book Die Besten Tierfotos der Welt. His photographs comprise abot 30 cycles. His interests in photography include life photography, architecture, nature, portraits and digitally modify photography.


"I like Zagreb Salon because it is one of the oldes photography salons in the world!"

Mike, USA

"I'd love with my words to thank all the people that voted for me to the international photography competition 37 Zagreb salon 2016 than ive won the silver medal (PSA - photographic Society of America) to the category "open color". special thanks to Vera Juric for her invitation and her support!"

Ioannis Sidiropoulos, Greece

"Zagreb Salon je jedinstveni događaj u ovom dijelu Europe - šteta ga je propustiti kao natjecatelj!"

Alenka, Slovenija

"Bio mi je zadovoljstvo sudjelovati na tako važnom i velikom međunarodom natječaju"

Marta, Poland

"Prijaviti ću se i ove godine, jer je sve bilo iznimno dobro organizirano sa izuzetno kvalitetnim odabirom fotografija"

Siddharth, India

"Cijena je povoljna, žiriranje odlično, a sama izložba u Mimari je doživljaj za sebe - sigurno ću se opet prijaviti!"

Tamara, Cipar

总共:73 个奖项


blue badge for the best author of the salon


gold, silver and bronze medal, and 3 FIAP ribbons for each section



gold, silver and bronze medal and 3 PSA ribbons for each section


gold, silver and bronze medal and 3 Honorable mention for each section

Each author can receive only one award in each section.








Years of Tradition